The NAPA National Care Home Choir!
The NAPA Activity Awards 2020 – Featuring the NAPA Choir!

Join us at the

NAPA Member Awards Virtual Presentation Ceremony

2nd October at 3pm


Join us and the nominees of the following categories:


The Best Activity Provider Award


Activity Team of the year Award


The Activity Leadership Award


The Community Engagement Award


Service Improvement Award

The Unsung Hero Award – Sponsored by 

Lifetime Achievement Award- sponsored by

NAPA Year of Conversation and Connection Award- Sponsored by


Arts in Care Homes Award


Grow Old Disgracefully Challenge- Sponsored by Grow Old Disgracefully


The shortlisted nominees will be invited to the ceremony where the winners will be announced. Full details of the zoom meeting will sent by email the week before the event.


We are grateful to our event sponsor:

Get your Tickets Here