Increase arts provision in care homes by purchasing an Arts in Care voucher. Your purchase will help enhance the health, happiness and well-being of residents and staff.
The process for purchasing an Arts in Care Voucher is as follows:
1: Contact NAPA Office to purchase voucher – email Artsvoucher@www.napa-activities.com
NAPA will need the following information from you:
- Value of Voucher – vouchers are available for £10, £20, £25, £50 and £100. Voucher is valid for 2 years
- Name of care setting.
- Email address of care setting.
- Type of arts activity required, if known ie would purchaser like home to try to book a specific arts activity such as a choir session, water painting class or cello performance?
2: NAPA emails care setting
Care setting is informed that an Arts in Care voucher has been purchased for them to use to pay towards arts activities. Copies of voucher are sent to home and purchaser.
3: Care setting books activity and redeems voucher
When the care setting books their art activity, they contact NAPA to redeem the money and give details, including date. They will also need to supply their bank details.
4: NAPA transfers money to care home’s bank account
Money will automatically be transferred to the care setting bank account, using BACS
5: A wonderful art activity takes place in home!
Arts activity increases in home with many possible beneficial outcomes…